The "OTC Tax lien/ Deed Investment Method
Over-Counter-Tax lien and Deed investment is another passive and guaranteed way to secure a property through the tax lien / Deed process. This process allows you to invest from the comfort of your own home. Doing 70- 100%of the pre-investment research online. Let us show the way! With “The OTC Tax lien/ Deed Real estate Investment Seminar “. Let us help you do your Due Diligence, to help guarantee you secure your investment or passive Return.
Learn The Passive Way of Investing in
Tax Lien& Deeds
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What is the "OTC" Method
Many counties offer tax liens and deeds across the United States. Some of these counties offer their unsold tax lien certificates over the counter. Usually, these certificates are available at the local tax assessor's office or the authority is deemed responsible for selling the tax lien certificates. Most investors can locate these Tax Lien certificates after the first tax lien sale of the year. Knowing that tax liens have been around as long as man has divided parcels for properties. We know that this is a Guaranteed method to receive passive income with a guaranteed interest rate between 16 to 20% depending on the county and state guidelines.
5 Easy Steps to Investing in "OTC" TaxLiens
The Highlight to get Started Investing in "OTC" Tax lien Sale:
1. General Review of the Tax lien method.
2. Review of Tax lien States with OTC for sale
3. How to look up the county application process, rules, and laws that apply
4. How to do the key research to Mitigate the Risks Factors before investing?
5. How to close the Deal Every time!
Let Prime Time Homebuyers help you learn "The Amazing Way to get started in Investing in Tax Lien Certificates, The Passive Way".
With this passive investment method, you can do
70 to 100% of your research / Due Diligence and investment online.

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The Best part of Investing in OTC Tax lien Certificates and Deeds!
There is no competitive bidding!
Keeping in mind, that these properties are already past the original auction, they are all for passively. there is a small or minimum chance that you and another investor are seeking the same over-the-counter tax lien certificate. so, this can give you the security that you will secure the certificate. Versus going to the auction and getting into a bidding war and possibly not getting your target investment.
Many counties offer these over-the-counter certificates for the monies owed for the back taxes, interest, penalties, and the cost to process the sale. See the county and state for detailed information. once you secure the proper bid amount, it is inevitable that that particular investment will end up in your hands. In many cases, you can become the actual homeowner or receive residual income.
With our program, we show you how to review the tax lien list and examine each detailed description, location, and more! Before you invest! By completing the prime time home buyer course. You will be able to ensure that you will secure your investment in the manner that you desire.
“ Homeownership, invest for the income,
No problem…there are a few avenues that we teach you how to focus on. To get you into your desired investment Avenue!”
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